Sunday, September 24, 2017

turning the desert into a green land

"Since 2013, we have been conducting an outdoor planting experiment  at  two  sites  (with  areas  of  approximately  550 m2  and  420m2,  respectively)  in  the  Nan’an  District  of  Chongqing,  China. 
Desert landform conditions were simulated in the experiment by establishing  a  15-cm-  to  25-cm-thick  plain  sand  layer  underlain  by  a  20-cm-  to  30-cm-thick  gravel  layer  on  the  ground.  Afterward,  three  types  of  “soilized”  sand  layers  with  thicknesses  of  10–20 cm, which were obtained by mixing sand with a modified sodium  carboxymethyl  cellulose  (CMC)  solution  (containing  2%  modified  CMC  and  5%  compound  fertilizer)  at  a  weight  ratio  of  1:0.15, were placed on top of the plain sand layer in separate sections. Three types of commercially available sand for building and construction (clean river sand), with different fineness moduli of 1.22,  2.97,  and  3.71  and  without  any  soil  content,  were  subjected  to  “soilization”  for  the  experiment.  In  addition  to  these  river  sands,  three  other  granular  materials  (machine-made  sand  from  stone, sand mixed with machine-made sand from stone, and sand mixed with saw-dust) were also used in the planting experiment after  “soilization.”  Many  types  of  plants  (Fig.  1(a)),  such  as  rice  (Fig.1(b)),  corn  (Fig.  1(c)),  and  sweet  potatoes  (Fig.  1(d)),  were  planted in the “soilized” sand. In each year of the experiment, the plants  have  survived  the  heavy  rains  and  continuous  high  temperature  over  consecutive  sunny  days  that  are  characteristic  of  the climate in Chongqing, China. During these periods of continuous  high  temperature,  the  plants  have  been  appropriately  watered  at  different  intervals.  The  constraining  material  was  added  to the “soils” only once in the spring of 2013, and no further supplementation  has  been  made  to  the  “soils”  after  that,  except  for  the addition of an appropriate amount of fertilizer each year since 2014.  There  have  been  two  harvests  each  year,  and  the  plants  have  always  grown  luxuriantly  and  fruitfully  in  the  different  'soils.'"

This would be a wonderful thing for many countries, and for the world by helping slow climate change.  and simple!

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