Saturday, May 15, 2021

Why US cops are so quick to shoot? Training


Grossman does not address the social construction of crime and criminality, or the historically racist coding of “tough on crime” policies and rhetoric, or the political origins of this country’s endless drug war, or any other factors that might complicate his Manichean thesis. He sees no oppression in the sight of warrior cops forever riding roughshod through “bad” neighborhoods like members of an occupying army. He does not stop to consider that treating the “war on crime” like an actual war tacitly encourages cops to take less care with the lives of their “enemies”—nor does he acknowledge that those disposable lives are all too often Black ones.

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 I fear that we train cops to be on a hair trigger, assuming that every person they come into contact with is ready to harm them.  No wonder there are so many shootings that are inappropriate for the situation.  Has your community police department hired this guy?

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